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Royal & Rich - Manufacturer of premium quality cosmetics and perfumes

About us

YATREB ROYAL SRL is the sole distributor of products created by Royal Rich and we are committed to bringing high quality cosmetic products to our customers. Our products are carefully formulated, containing extracts and pure essential oils obtained from carefully selected plants, inspired by the virtues of ancient natural medicine and aromatherapy.
The benefits of regular use of our products are multiple, from cell regeneration to solving dermatological problems and relieving conditions such as redness, dry skin and irritation. Our products also help to eliminate inflammation, improve mobility and relieve pain.
Our primary mission is to provide our customers with exceptional products based on ancient recipes and beneficial plant extracts that address a wide range of skin concerns.
In addition to our range of cosmetics for skin, body and hair, we are also proud to present an exclusive collection of fragrances .
These perfumes are inspired by special oriental aromas and stand out for their exceptional technical qualities. With a strong signature and long persistence, Royal&Rich perfumes will envelop you in a subtle veil of sensuality and elegance.
All of our fragrances are presented in premium packaging, reflecting attention to detail and quality.

Domestic products - Pitesti Factory

Made in Romania

Our cosmetics factory, established in 2017, is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and managed by a team of dedicated professionals, which guarantees the highest quality products.

Our range includes serums, creams and pure essential oils, all enriched with unique plant extracts, vitamins and essential fatty acids.

These products are designed to help you maintain your beauty and health naturally.

Top Technologies for Skin Care

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We are a dedicated skincare company with a passion for innovation and research. We pride ourselves on using state-of-the-art technologies that redefine skin care standards. In addition, we set out to develop domestic products so that we produce high-quality cosmetics in our factory in Pitesti, respecting the most demanding European certifications for our products. In this way, we ensure that we provide our customers with skin care products of international standards.

Ozonated oil - revolutionary technology

One of the special features that sets us apart from other manufacturers is the innovative ozonated body oil technology. This oil is a central pillar in our product portfolio and stands out for its multiple health and beauty benefits.

Ozonated oil is a revolutionary body care technology with multiple health and beauty benefits.

This oil has the ability to stimulate blood circulation, strengthening the nervous system, joints and muscles. It also softens and maintains the skin's radiance, soothes irritations and delays the aging process.

With anti-inflammatory, regenerative and antibacterial properties, ozonated oil contains antioxidants, beta-carotene and tocopherol, which fight local skin inflammation. It has the ability to moisturize dry and thickened skin.

Features of ozonated oil include increased absorption of active compounds from essential oils, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulation of immunological and natural repair processes, as well as a strong antimicrobial effect.

Working in harmony with the body, this oil provides multiple benefits for the health of the skin and the whole body, helping to maintain long-term beauty and health.

The exclusive range of cosmetics with gold particles

We are proud to present our exclusive range of skin cosmetics, including serums and creams with gold particles. The use of gold in our cosmetics reflects our commitment to excellence in skin care.

Gold has a rich history in its use in cosmetics, and its benefits are well documented. This noble substance is known for its antioxidant and anti-aging properties that help reduce wrinkles and preserve a youthful and radiant complexion.

The gold particles in our products act as a blood circulation stimulant, helping to deeply nourish and revitalize the skin. This leads to an improvement in the skin's firmness and elasticity, leaving it glowing with health and vitality.

Gold also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it beneficial for soothing irritations and treating minor dermatological problems.

At Royal & Rich, we use gold in our cosmetics to provide our customers with an exceptional beauty experience.

Our customers can benefit from all these wonderful properties of gold in every application, thus helping to maintain and improve the health and appearance of their skin.

Salts and minerals from the dead sea -Benefits

Our Dead Sea Mineral Care range is a range designed to address various skin concerns including psoriasis.

These products are formulated so that you can take full advantage of the unique properties of minerals and other natural ingredients, providing multiple benefits to the skin.

Benefits include the ability to soothe irritated skin, reduce itching and redness, and promote regeneration of rough, damaged skin.

Dead Sea minerals, along with other natural ingredients, help to improve the overall appearance of the skin, giving it a healthy and glowing appearance.

This range of products is created to increase the skin's resistance to infections, having anti-inflammatory and healing effects. Moreover, regular use of these products helps to keep the skin hydrated, which helps to keep it firm and supple.

At Royal & Rich, we focus on developing the highest quality products to address complex skin concerns. In this sense, the use of minerals from the Dead Sea in this range is one of the aspects that differentiates us and allows us to offer effective solutions for skin care, regardless of its type or problem.

Local products - Royal & Rich Pitesti factory

Made in Romania

Local products - Royal & Rich Pitesti factory

Made in Romania

Local products - Royal & Rich Pitesti factory

Made in Romania

Local products - Royal & Rich Pitesti factory

Made in Romania

Local products - Royal & Rich Pitesti factory

Made in Romania

Blog posts

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