Pe mine ma irită colagenul cât trebuie să pun toată capsula sau jumătate
Am folosit de doua ori și este foarte bun,a avut efect,cojile scalpului au dispărut momentan,să vedem cum este pe viitor.
The most popular
state-of-the-art technologies
European certificate
produced in Romania
natural ingredients
Discount on the entire collection
EST 2017
About us
We are a team of professionals who put quality and innovation at the top of their priorities.
As domestic manufacturers of cosmetics, care products with a therapeutic effect and perfumes, we want to offer our customers state-of-the-art solutions to European standards.
ROYAL & RICH whitening cream is rich in vitamins and essential oils that help reduce the appearance of pigment spots, ensure an even and lighter tone.
Action: cleans and whitens blemishes, moisturizes and helps heal skin irritations, giving an even tone.
" I've been using the Anti-Wrinkle Cream for a few weeks. My skin looks better, less wrinkles. The cream is light and gets into the skin quickly, I like it "
Miruna | F| 36
Day Anti-Wrinkle Face Cream
" I heard about the cream from a neighbor and I'm very excited. I apply it in the evening on my sores and I don't have so much pain from rheumatism anymore. I recommend you try it. "
Valeria | F| 67
Aromathrits body cream
" I've been looking for a good collagen for a long time and these capsules really do the trick, without being overly expensive. I've been using them for 2 months already and my skin seems tighter, brighter. I will buy again. "
Laura | F| 32
Collagen capsules for the face
Food for the skin
Serum with vitamins for the skin
The vitamin skin serum contains a complex of vitamins, aromatic oils and fatty acids that aim to improve the texture of the skin and restore it to a pleasant and younger appearance.
- participates in cell regeneration
- deeply hydrates the skin
- helps to slow down the aging process
Purifying minerals
Dead Sea Bath Salt
Dead Sea bath salt, with anti-inflammatory properties, has the ability to deep clean pores and exfoliate dead cells. The rich mineral content stimulates blood circulation, providing a relaxing bath and peaceful sleep.
- stimulates blood flow
- soothes the skin
- invigorates the body
Mobility without pain
The unique cream, which contains beneficial natural ingredients, is used on joints to relieve pain and improve mobility. Eliminates pain and inflammation, penetrates deep into tissue, triggering joint repair, regeneration and healing.
- eliminates pain and inflammation
- relieves pain and improves mobility
- repairs and regenerates joints
Shop the look
state-of-the-art technologies
European certificate
produced in Romania
natural ingredients
Doctor Mahmud Asadi
Founder Royal&rich
We founded Royal & Rich with a simple vision: to transform the personal care routine into a luxury experience and bring wellness and healing into people's lives.
We pride ourselves on the European certifications we hold and the use of state-of-the-art technologies to bring innovation to the cosmetics industry.
Every product we create is the result of our dedicated work and expertise accumulated over the years. We want to provide people with effective solutions for skin and hair care, and in the process, we ensure that every ingredient used, from cosmetics to fragrances, is of the highest quality.
We invite you to discover our range of products manufactured with passion in Romania, at our factory in Pitesti.
Worth a try!
See the products about usMențiuni în publicații online de renume
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