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Sale price100,00 lei

ROYAL & RICH whitening cream is rich in vitamins and essential oils that help reduce the appearance of pigment spots, ensure an even and lighter tone. Protects the skin from aggressions caused by exposure to UV rays, aging, pregnancy and irritations.

This unique cream contains extracts and vitamin complexes that help clear and lighten dark skin spots caused by the sun, aging, pregnancy and skin irritations. The cream contains highly effective ingredients that clear the skin, especially dark spots. Glycolic acid improves the appearance of the skin, helps treat scars, acne and wrinkles and gives the skin an even tone.

Volume: 50 ml


  • cleans and whitens stains
  • hydrates and nourishes the skin
  • helps heal skin irritations
  • gives a uniform shade
    SKIN WHITENING CREAM Sale price100,00 lei

    key ingredients


    Lactic acid and glycolic acid are two key ingredients in creams designed to reduce pigmentation spots and improve skin texture:

    • Exfoliation: Both acids are chemical exfoliants, which means they can help remove dead skin cells from the skin's surface. This exfoliation process removes layers of dead skin cells and reveals the fresher, brighter skin underneath.

    • Even skin tone: Both lactic acid and glycolic acid can help even skin tone, reducing the appearance of age spots, sun spots, and other skin discolorations. Through regular exfoliation, these acids can fade existing pigmentation spots and prevent new ones from appearing.

    • Smoother texture: Regular use of these acids can lead to smoother skin texture. They can help fade scars, fine lines and improve overall skin texture.

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