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Sale price41,80 lei Regular price55,00 lei

This peeling product helps the skin stay hydrated, it only removes dead and dry cells. It is different in process and results from any other products (mask, cream or gel) used for peeling.

This peeling product is beneficial for everyone. Its uniqueness is reflected in its ability to selectively remove only dead and dry cells. The gel is used on the face, neck and décolleté and does not remove new, healthy, essential skin cells, but only cells that prevent new cells from forming. In addition, it does not cause skin scratches (not even tiny ones), does not irritate the skin or damage the outer lipid layer that protects the skin.

Volume: 50 ml


  • selectively removes only dead cells
  • hydrates and nourishes the skin
  • restores radiance to the skin thanks to the benefits of essential oils
  • does not irritate the skin
    BODY PEELING GEL Sale price41,80 lei Regular price55,00 lei

    key ingredients


    The active ingredients, geranium essential oil and lemongrass oil, contribute to the benefits of this body scrub in the following ways:

    • Geranium essential oil: This essential oil has gentle exfoliating properties. It helps remove dead and dry cells from the surface of the skin without harming healthy cells. This helps to regenerate the skin and keep it looking younger and healthier.

    • Lemongrass oil: Lemongrass has antiseptic and astringent properties. In this context, it helps to clean the pores and remove impurities from the surface of the skin. It can also have a refreshing and energizing effect on the skin.

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