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Black Mud For Face and Body, 300 G

Sale price42,00 lei

The Dead Sea contains beneficial minerals that destroy acne-causing bacteria. The use of mud helps the skin to be hydrated and detoxified, reduces stretch marks and cellulite.

From the smallest lake on Earth with the highest concentration of natural minerals, the Dead Sea mud is rich in magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium and trace elements such as zinc, iron, barium, selenium, chromium and vanadium. The special and natural ingredients clean and disinfect the skin while maintaining the hydration level of the skin revitalizing and invigorating it. Circulation is accelerated, as is the natural skin regeneration process. The result is healthy, clean, soft and silky skin.

Volume: 300 g


  • cleans and disinfects the skin
  • maintains the level of hydration
  • revitalizes and invigorates
  • accelerates blood circulation

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    Nămol Negru Pentru Față și Corp,300 G RoyalRichRO
    Black Mud For Face and Body, 300 G Sale price42,00 lei

    key ingredients

    black mud from the dead sea

    Using black mud from the Dead Sea brings multiple benefits due to its composition rich in minerals and nutrients:

    • Deep exfoliation and cleansing: Black mud has gentle exfoliating properties, helping to remove dead skin cells and impurities.

    • Intense hydration: Black mud contains essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium and potassium, which help maintain optimal skin hydration levels.

    • Reduces acne: Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, black mud can help reduce acne and its associated inflammation.

    • Psoriasis symptom relief: For people suffering from psoriasis, black mud can provide relief. The active substances in the mud can soothe the itching and irritations characteristic of this condition.

    • Reduction of muscle pain: Apply to painful areas and let it work to relieve discomfort.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Foarte mulțumită 🥰

    Se merita comandat produsul!Forte bun!*****

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